Come ogni anno eravamo tutti in trepida attesa di vedere la sfilata dei reali che si recavano nella cappella di St Mary Magadelene della tenuta di Sandrigham per l'annuale messa di Natale.
As every year, we were all anxiously waiting to see the parade of the royal who came to St Mary Magadelene's Church of the estate of Sandringham for the annual Christmas mass.
The Christmas Day in the estate of Windsor starts very soon. At 9.00 the Royal Family goes to church for Communion and then take a stroll through the beautiful trails that surround the chapel.
At 11.00, and after a protocol change of dress, the royals go to Christmas Service
Usually after the ceremony takes place the long-awaited walkabout during which the Royal Family has the possibility of wave the people who came there to meet them
This year there was a lot of waiting for the first Christmas of Prince George. His presence was not confirmed and the expectations have been a little bit disappointed. Perhaps, given the harsh climate and the time, it was decided to leave the baby at home. But William and Kate still have warmed the hearts of their fans by showing extremely happy and even hand in hand.
La giornata reale è proseguita poi con un pranzo e con la visione, tutti insieme del discorso annuale della regina trasmesso alle ore 15.00. la regina ha parlato anche della nascita di George e nel video ci sono delle deliziose immagini inedite del backstage delle foto ufficiali.
An attitude in which we are certainly not used to, at least not in the official public appearances. Maybe that was the great joy of spending their first Christmas with little George?
The day continued with a offiial lunch and with the vision, all together, of the Queen's annual address broadcast at 15:00. Queen also spoke of the birth of George and in the video there are some lovely new images of the backstage of the official photos.
La giornata terminerà come ogni anno con qualche partita a qualche gioco in scatola e con la visione di qualche show o film natalizi, un po come succede in quasi tutte le nostre case..magari in una location un pochino meno importante.
The day will end like every year with a few board games and with the vision of a few shows or Christmas movies as it happens in almost all of our homes these days ... maybe in a little less important location.
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Salone della Tenuta di Sandringham |
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Sala da Pranz |
Per la visita mattutina Kate ha indossato lo stesso cappotto non ancora identificato e già sfoggiato per il matrimonio di Mark Tomlinson e Laura Bechtolsheimer nelle Alpi svizzere dello scorso anno, abbinato ai suoi stivali Aquatalia e ad uno scialle.
For the morning Church visit Kate chose the same coat as yet unidentified and already wore for the wedding of Mark Tomlinson and Laura Bechtolsheimer in the Swiss Alps last year, combined with its Aquatalia boots and a shawl.
Mentre per il Christmas Service la Duchessa ha indossato il cappotto tartan Alexander McQueen Black Watch Coat , già sfoggiato lo scorso anno durante la visita alla sua scuola elementare.
While for the Christmas Service, the Duchess wore the Alexander McQueen Black Watch Coat , already shown last year during a visit to her prep school
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GraziaDaily |
Kate ha accessoriato l'outfit con stivali Aquatalia Rhumba Boots, orecchini Kiki McDonough green amethyst drop, e un nuovo cappellino in tinta firmato Gina Foster.
Kate accessorized the outfit with Aquatalia Rhumba Boots, Kiki McDonough green amethyst drop earrings, and a new matching Gina Foster's hat.
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