Ieri i duchi di Cambridge sono riusciti ancora una volta a sorprenderci: nessuno si aspettava infatti di vederli prima dell'inizio, la prossima settimana, del Royal Tour e soprattutto, nessuno si aspettava un nuovissimo e dolcissimo Family Portrait.
Yesterday the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge surprised us once again: in fact, no one expected to see them before the start next week of the Royal Tour and above all, no one expected a brand new sweet and Family Portrait.
Nel pomeriggio è infatti iniziata a circolare una nuovissima foto di famiglia che ritrae la coppia insieme al loro dolcissimo George e all'amatissimo cocker Lupo, presente finora in ben due ritratti di famiglia.
In the afternoon it began to circulate a new family photo that portrays the couple along with their sweet and the beloved George and their cocker Lupo, already present in two family portraits.
La foto, scattata dal pluri-premiato fotografo Jason Bell, già autore del ritratto di famiglia in occasione del battesimo di George lo scorso settembre, immortala William, Kate, George e Lupo in uno scatto naturale e molto dolce. Il piccolo George, 9 mesi, in felpina azzurra con suo nome ricamato regalo del Principe Carlo, guarda sorridente il suo cane mentre i genitori sorridono all'obbiettivo. Kate,splendida e sorridente, ha scelto un look sobrio e delicato sfoggiando la Temperley London Rodeo Blouse già indossata in occasione del Royal Tour in Canada del 2011.
The photo, taken by award-winning photographer Jason Bell, author of the family portrait on the occasion of the Christening of George last September, immortalizes William, Kate, George and Lupo in a natural and very sweet portrait. Little George, 8 months old, wear a blue jumper with his name embroidered on it, a gift from his Granfather Prince Charles, smiling to his dog while his parents look in camera. Kate, beautiful and smiling, chose a simple and delicate look showing off herTemperley London Rodeo Blouse already worn during the Royal Tour of Canada in 2011.
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The photo, taken at one of the windows of the family London residence at Kensington Palace was totally unexpected and was therefore even more welcome.
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But surprises do not end here. The next day, in fact, the trio Wiiliam Kate and Harry attended the wedding of friends Lucy and Charlie Meade Budgett in Marshfield, Gloucestershire.
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Kate chose for the occasion a very cute outfits but no new items: as she often does when attending friend weddings as not to divert attention from the real stars of the day, she recycles clothes.
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In this case, Kate has recycled for the third time, the beautiful coat of M Missoni
e l'abito Whistles Bella Dress sfoggiato in occasione della cerimonia di chiusura delle Olimpiadi di Londra del 2012.
and the Whistles Bella Dress dress already wore in occasion of the closing ceremony of the London Olympics Games of 2012.
Kate ha accessoriato il tutto con il delizioso Lock & Co. Fairy Tale hat e le decollete nere Episode Angel, orecchini Cassandra Goad e pochette Mulberry.
Kate accessorized with all the delicious Lock & Co. Fairy Tale hat and black decollete Episode Angel Pumps, Cassandra Goad earrings and a Mulberry clutch
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A look delicious and really got it right with no jarring notes... except one! Yes, because another guest at the wedding chose for the occasion the exact same coat of Duchess... did it she on purpose? Who knows though ... but maybe Kate had laugh about it
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This public event anticipates the start of a few days for the Royal Tour and has been an excellent opportunity for a couple to relax before the tour while thwy will bw struggling with a tight program and an official tour that will last almost 20 days.
A presto per la partenza del attesissimo Royal Tour!
See you soon for the start of the highly anticipated Royal Tour!
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