Appena due giorni fa avevamo finalmente visto il principe William uscire dall'ospedale King Edward VII, in cui da ormai 4 giorni è ricoverata sua moglie Kate colpita da una grave forte di nausea gravidica, con un sorriso rilassato. Si perchè se per fortuna le condizioni della gestante sembrano migliorare di giorno in giorno, l'accanimento mediatico morboso nei suoi confronti non accenna a diminuire. Proprio ieri una telefonata radiofonica partita dalla radio Day FM di Sidney è riuscita con una beffa a violare la privacy di cui ogni paziente dovrebbe godere. Fingendosi la Regina Elisabetta ed il Principe Carlo , la coppia di presentatori è riuscita farsi passare l'infermiera personale della duchessa e a carpire informazioni private sul suo stato di salute.
Just two days ago we finally saw Prince William leaving the King Edward VII hospital, where four days ago his wife Kate has beeb admitted due to serious nausea gravidarum, with a relaxed smile. Yes, because if luckily the conditions of pregnant women appear to be improving day by day, the media morbid mediatic attenction doesn't mention to decrease and continues unabated. Just yesterday a phone call from the Australian FM radio 2Day in Sydney, with a silly phone joke violated the privacy of each patient should enjoy. Posing as Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles, the pair of presenters was able to pass themselves off the nurse staff of the Duchess and steal private information about her state of health.
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2Day FM Speakers |
For those who want to hear the call, in my opinion, very disrespectful, can listen to it here.
Questa violazione della privacy ha fatto comprensibilmente infuriare Buckingham Palace e la Famiglia di Kate: da un secolo la Famiglia Reale viene ricoverata in questa clinica privata d'eccellenza e una cosa del genere non era mai accaduta, ci tengono a precisare i responsabili del King Edward VII Hospital.
This invasion of privacy has understandably infuriated Buckingham Palace and Kate's Family: for almost a century the Royal Family was admitted to this private clinic of excellence and such a thing had never happened, are keen to point those responsible for the King Edward VII Hospital
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Zimbio |
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Ingresso King Edward VII Hospital |
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Zimbio |
Ieri è stato anche un giorno di visite per la Duchessa di Cambridge: sono infatti andati a trovarla in ospedale sia suo fratello James che sua sorella Pippa e ovviamente suo marito William che dal giorno del ricovero non ha mancato una visita.
Yesterday was also a day of visits to the Duchess of Cambridge: in fact her brother brother James and her sister Pippa and of course her husband William, visited her in the hospital. William since Monday, the day of admission, did not miss a visit.
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Even the mother Carole arrived at the hospital around 7:00 yesterday evening to attend her eldest daughter. Some rumors claim that in reality mom Carole assisted her daughter Kate from day one but she used a side entrance to escape photographers. Frankly, it's something that I hope: in such a situation usually a mother remains at the side of her daughter day and night .. my own mother at least would do and I thought it was very strange that she had not yet visited her pregnant sick daughter.
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Dailymail |
Anche il Principe Harry, di stanza in Afghanistan, contentissimo della lieta notizia ha voluto mandare un dolcissimo messaggio di auguri a sua cognata: 'Get well soon, sis'
Even Prince Harry, stationed in Afghanistan, and happy with the good news wanted to send a sweet message of greetings to his sister in law: 'Get well soon, sis'
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Via PrincessDiana remebered |
For the moment, the situation seems to be stationary and the Duchess seems to improve day by day. Has not yet been announced a discharge date, but we hope that it is woul be as soon as possible. Beyond the frivolity about the look that will take once the baby bump will be visible, the name, the baby-sex, etc.. etc.. it should be remembered that the duchess is at the beginning of her pregnancy, a very very delicate moment and requires only rest and tranquility.
Nel mio piccolo le auguro con tutto il cuore di rimettersi prestissimo e di poter godere finalmente di questo magico momento. Vi lascio con la copertina della Special Edition di Hello magazine interamente dedicata al lieto evento
In my small way I wish her with all my heart to get back soon and finally enjoy this magical moment. I leave you with the cover of the Special Edition of Hello magazine entirely dedicated to the happy event
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Hello Magazine |
A tal proposito la sua Agenda di impegni è stata ovviamente sfoltita: per tutti gli aggiornamenti potete controllare la Pagina Kate's Agenda.
Of course the multiple commitments Agenda of the duchess has been trimmed: for all the updates you can check the Page dedicatyed to Kate's Agenda.
Restate nei paraggi, vi terrò informati. A presto Kate's fan.
Stick around, I will keep you informed. See you soon Kate's fans
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